2175 NW 24TH AVE.
MIAMI, FLORIDA 33142-7279
Phone: +1 954 7536301
On July, 2013 Tropical Seeds team visited for the first time East Africa, particularly Kenya. We had several
community meetings organized primarily by ICIPE and HEIFER. We visited several important
Kenyan research institutions like KARI.
We were accompanied by Dr. Brigitte Maas from CIAT. We could observe the important impact that mulato II
is having with small farmers, allowing them to increase their goat milk production, having feed for their animals
even in the drought months and helping them in their push-pull systems.
We will work very hard with all institutions to bring other brachiaria hybrids for other ecosystems and initiating
commercial availability of seed for animal grazing activities, through ADVANCE CROPS LIMITED, a seed
company based in HomaBay.
Here it the trip report by Dr. Maas:
2175 NW 24TH AVE.
MIAMI, FLORIDA 33142-7279
Phone: +1 954 7536301