2175 NW 24TH AVE.
MIAMI, FLORIDA 33142-7279
Phone: +1 954 7536301
Camello grass is the product of genetic studies carried out by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT, its Spanish acronym), headquartered in Cali, Colombia. This grass was evaluated over a 12-year period by Semillas Papalotla’s Tropical Pastures Research Center (CIPAT, its Spanish acronym) in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, showing excellent results in terms of water stress tolerance and desirable decumbent growth habit— two characteristics that make it a viable option for sites characterized by scarce, erratic precipitation.
CAMELLO® grass is a plant with high genetic aptitudes, forage potential and good nutritional value, its high growth rate, precocity and drought tolerance make it a viable forage alternative for dry tropics and areas with marked periods of drought.
CAMELLO® grass has shown great adaptation to arid and semi-arid areas of northern Mexico and the dry belt region of Central America, confirming its tolerance to drought as the main attribute of this grass.
Its root system is highly developed, allowing it to deepen to lower levels of the soil, extract moisture and stay longer tolerating drought. This favors the ability of early regrowth at the beginning of rains.
Its forage production can reach 30 tons of dry matter per hectare per year. A high leaf production is observed during the regrowth cycle, a situation favored by its high leaf: stem ratio, allowing rapid ground cover.
The high growth rates that Camello has presented corroborate its high genetic potential, placing it as the forage species with better yields among cultivars with drought tolerance.
The important feature to mention is the retention of protein necessary up to 42 days, which would allow the farmer to have enough protein and forage biomass for livestock maintenance; This quality is not common in other drought tolerant grasses, being an attribute of CAMELLO® grass.
Its high growth rate, precocity and drought tolerance make it a viable forage alternative for the dry tropics and areas highly vulnerable to drought.
CAMELLO® grass is a plant with a decumbent growth habit, being the only hybrid with hairless leaves (glabro), of excellent forage potential and good nutritional value, in addition to having bright and smooth green linear leaves.
Its stems are of medium to thin thickness with short internodes and with high rooting capacity. The plant can reach between 90 and 110 cm in height in a short time, placing it as a highly early hybrid and fast grassland formation.
*Content taken from Grupo Papalotla
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2175 NW 24TH AVE.
MIAMI, FLORIDA 33142-7279
Phone: +1 954 7536301