2175 NW 24TH AVE.
MIAMI, FLORIDA 33142-7279
Phone: +1 954 7536301
First Export to Peru - Crescent Sunn
First export to the Republic of Peru, we landed in a country full of possibilities and with a great future for the Crescent Sunn market.
#SeedContribution #LivestockinPeru #Peru #Legumes #Forage #ForageSeeds #CrescentSunn #SunnHemp #CrotalariaJuncea #GreenManure #nematodes #organicmatter #TropicalSeeds #export #efectosoluciones #EcologicalAgriculture
2175 NW 24TH AVE.
MIAMI, FLORIDA 33142-7279
Phone: +1 954 7536301